Friday, January 6, 2012

.annoying you as it is.

"hey hey! hey apple!"..... "hey hey! hey apple! APPLE!"

"what orangeeee? *roll eyes*" 

"how do you know which is bottom?"

"bottom? what bottom?"


do you know what annoying mean? as in literally? nope? guess, what. it is best describe by the following criteria.
1. people who doesn't do their work.
these *disgusted face* people should rot. i mean, you've been given your job, ESPECIALLY group works, and then YOU do not do your work. hoping some fucking kind samaritan to do it for you by giving some totally  lame excuses as in not enough time, i have to much work, yadaa yadaa yadaa. guess what, we take the same course, given the same work, participate in the same activities and YET i can finish my job in TIME and you don't and gave those super LAME excuses. surprise surprise! maybe i used a totally different watch that gives me another 5 hours extra per day so instead of 24/7 like yours, mine will be 29/190. and that's why i have extra TIME not only to do my f part but also YOURS. how convenient. and even the smallest details you couldn't do and expect me to do everything. after failing to complete your part, you also fail to even contribute to at least edit the compilation *YES also done by me and partner* and even expect the other member to lick your armpits in case it grows mushrooms. *gag*. so yeah, that is one example to illustrate annoying-ness.

2. people who doesn't value their friends.
if the above should rot, THIS, should throw themselves in a raging fire. not that we want you to give us money, skirts, make ups, parfumes, shoes or bags *but we'll appreciate it* but at least show some appreciation. what? are we like a problem sponge? only when you have all those problems then you come looking for us. when you need something then you come running like a freaking horse with weird sound *AHHHHEEHEHEEHHEHE* to get it from us? or WHEN YOU FREAKING DON'T HAVE OTHER FRIENDS THEN YOU COME TO FIND US AS THE LAST RESORT? or even when you don't have the attention of your LOVER or when you are SINGLe then you realize our existence? and oh, when YOU need a freaking companion to color your dull life?

3. who makes other people feel bad of themselves and others.
simple: ANIMAL.ungrateful.bully.low self-esteem.ANIMAL.bastard.

4. people rants on stupid things.POSERS.
oh yeah, you got me there.


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